There are many consequences to owing a significant amount of debt. If you are in a difficult financial situation and behind on your payments, one of the things you may face is the threat of repossession. At this point, you may want to know what you are up against and...
Firm News
Was your bill sent to a debt collector? Here’s what to do next
Owing a significant amount of debt is frustrating, especially if your financial frustrations are the result of things that are beyond your control. For example, you may find yourself facing significant medical debt after a sickness, extended stay in a Tennessee...
How much debt can one person handle?
Many Tennessee consumers have credit card debt. Even though most people have this type of debt, not everyone can manage it. In fact, some people find they are not able to really manage their balances, eventually leading to precarious financial situations. Credit card...
Dealing with the trials of post-holiday debt can be stressful
During the recent holiday season, you might have visited a variety of stores and retail outlets in Tennessee in pursuit of finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones. While you may have started out with a budget for holiday spending, similar endeavors have a way of...
An automatic stay may not solve all your debt problems
The decision to file for bankruptcy is a big one. It may have taken you a lot of back-and-forth and stressful consideration before you decided that this option would likely best suit your debt relief needs. Your situation may have gotten to a point where creditors...
Is medical debt considered secured or unsecured debt?
Different types of debts can have different priorities. Depending upon the type of debt that a Tennessee resident holds, their creditors can pursue different methods of seeking the collection of the debtor's obligations. If a debt is secured then there is property...
Wage garnishment adds to your troubles
Receiving a warning that a creditor intends to sue you to garnish your wages may be the straw that breaks your back. You are already struggling each week to keep your home, your vehicle and the necessities of life. If you have children, you may feel overwhelmed trying...
Have you considered these bankruptcy benefits?
Most Tennessee residents might agree that there are basically three kinds of people regarding finances: those who love to talk about all things financial, those who cringe at the mention of the word and those who would rather think about other things but recognize the...
How the FDCPA can help you fight against unlawful collections
You never know when a financial crisis will hit, whether globally, nationally or on a much more personal level. You may be one of many in Tennessee who recently suffered unexpected job loss or faced a medical emergency, the associated expenses of which you were...
Where do most Tennessee residents fall re average household debt?
Whether you're a spender or a saver, there have likely been times in your life when you had to pull the purse strings a bit tighter to ride out a financial crisis. Perhaps you sustained an unexpected income change or someone in your family faced an urgent medical need...