When you owe money and do not have the resources to pay the debt in full immediately, creditors may choose to take you to court. If they have evidence validating the debt and their claim that you fell behind on payments, they could secure a judgment related to the...
Month: September 2022
Could communicating with your creditors help?
Those who are in debt are often stereotyped as reckless spenders. The truth is that millions of Americans find themselves in debt through no fault of their own. Facing substantial debts can be stressful and it is by no means an easy situation to get out of. Some...
What age group uses credit cards the most?
It sometimes feels like everyone uses credit cards almost all of the time. But this is certainly something of a new phenomenon, and there are still big differences in the ways that various generations view and use these cards. Considering the fact that credit cards...
2 things you might want to avoid when addressing debts
Many who owe creditors thousands of dollars try multiple methods to pay off such debt. However, many supposed techniques for debt relief simply do not work. They could even make your circumstances worse. If you are determined to explore every possibility before...
What happens after you miss a mortgage payment?
Your mortgage is arguably the most important monthly bill that you pay. Contributions each month help reduce the total balance owed and increase your overall equity in the property. After multiple decades of payments, you will own the property outright. Your home may...