If you’re already struggling financially to pay your debts and other financial obligations, the last thing you need is to have your income lowered by wage garnishment. Some creditors don’t have the option to order your employer to take money from your paycheck to make...
Month: August 2021
The most expensive medical procedures
The amount of medical debt that one can create in almost no time is often astounding. A procedure that only takes an afternoon could land you in debt that you can never fully pay off. This is why medical debt is one of the leading causes of bankruptcy. People who...
3 major bankruptcy myths
It’s important to recognize myths in many areas of the law, bankruptcy included. People often don’t even realize that the information they’re spreading is inaccurate. They honestly believe that it’s true, but they have been misled at some point, and they wind up...
How Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help with your student loans
Student loans often comprise the largest debts other than mortgages that people carry. Many people graduate with tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars in student loans. In some cases, they may spend their entire working life paying those loans off. Their payment...