The student loan debt most people incur while in college can be large. Most students focus on graduating. Many are willing to take on large debt to make that happen. Often, that means not thinking about ongoing financial obligations. The worst choice is defaulting. If...
Month: May 2020
Common myths about filing for bankruptcy
There are countless harmful misconceptions about bankruptcy that prevent people from seeking relief. While it’s true that bankruptcy is a big decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly, for many, it provides the fresh start they need to get their lives back on track. If...
Can Chapter 13 bankruptcy save my home?
When someone falls behind on their monthly payments for rent or other bills, catching up can seem impossible. Many efforts that someone takes to catch up can look to be in vain, especially when foreclosure becomes a threat to their home. Chapter 13 bankruptcy offers a...
How to beat credit card debt
Credit card debt has a notorious way of sneaking up on someone. It piles up faster than a cardholder seems to spend money. When this debt balloons into the thousands or tens of thousands of dollars, the minimum monthly payment alone can be too much for a person to...
Medical bills continue to plague many Americans
People across the country are struggling with various financial issues as many are out of work or earning reduced income right now. As a result, it is becoming difficult for patients to pay their medical bills. This type of debt can be overwhelming, quickly wiping out...
Bankruptcy myth: You can only file once
False! The Bankruptcy Code was developed to provide hardworking Americans a chance to reduce or eliminate their debt and gain a fresh start. And while many consider bankruptcy a final option on the road to financial stability, they might not realize that the process...
More than half of all bankruptcies are tied to medical debt
A recent study published by Bankrate found that only 40 percent of Americans have enough money saved to cover a $1000 emergency expense. It is a sobering fact that many Americans live paycheck to paycheck and their finances will would likely not survive any sort of...
Will bankruptcy destroy my credit score?
People who are struggling with debt may be reluctant to file for bankruptcy protection because they are concerned about what it will do to their credit score. Unfortunately, there’s no way around it. Filing for bankruptcy will damage your credit score. The good news...
Mortgage payments, escrow accounts and the threat of foreclosure
When you first took out a mortgage on your home, you likely set up an escrow account with your lender. An escrow account is set up to take care of your property taxes and homeowner’s insurance payments. It can be easy to forget about this account over the life of your...