Getting to a point where you recognize that you need bankruptcy protections is difficult. Deciding how to file bankruptcy can be even harder. There are multiple forms of bankruptcy available. Most individuals will file either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy....
Month: December 2020
4 Popular misconceptions about filing for bankruptcy
Bankrupt is a position most people never want to find themselves in. However, while bankruptcy does come with some temporarily financial setbacks, having to file isn’t nearly as bad as the myths make it seem. Bankruptcy is a drastic action, but for those overwhelmed...
Why is going to the hospital so expensive?
If you can avoid the hospital, it’s good for more than just your health. It may actually have a dramatic impact on your bank account and your financial future. After all, medical bills are one of the leading reasons for bankruptcy in the United States. The reasons...
3 early warning signs that you could be headed toward bankruptcy
When you’re faced with overwhelming debt, bankruptcy can be an invaluable tool for helping you get your head above rough financial waters. That said, it’s even better if you’re able to avoid financial troubles altogether. A bankruptcy filing can take time and, yes,...