If you owe an outstanding debt, one way that the lender may try to collect is through wage garnishment. This is a legal process and therefore has to be properly ordered by the court -- a lender cannot just contact your employer on their own -- but it means you have...
Month: November 2020
New rule bolsters debt collectors’ ability to contact you
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was created to protect consumers after the 2008 financial crisis. However, the agency has approved a rule allowing debt collectors new avenues to contact you over past-due balances. Under the ruling, collection agencies...
A few ways to negotiate down your medical debt
We have discussed medical debt in our legal blog many times. We have even talked about the possibility of negotiating such debt to make it more manageable. In this post, our bankruptcy lawyers want to tell you how to begin the seemingly impossible task of getting your...
Can you protect your home during Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Like many people who need to file bankruptcy, you may not have the means to satisfy your debts through a Chapter 13 repayment plan. You will likely fear the prospect of filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy, though, since it could cause you to lose your home. Keeping it after...