Living paycheck-to-paycheck means constantly monitoring how you spend your money. Sometimes, unexpected bills arrive suddenly, such as when your spouse has a tooth infection. Other times, a short month like February ends with bills coming due before you have the money...
Month: March 2022
Dealing with the stress of student loan debts
Many people across America pursue the dream of a college education. While obtaining expertise in certain fields can bring numerous benefits, education comes at a significant financial cost. The current student debt total in the U.S. stands at over $1 trillion, and...
Drowning in medical debt? Bankruptcy could help
You were ill and needed to go to the hospital for emergency care. You stayed there for weeks, and only just now are you well enough to start getting back to your normal life. You knew that your bills would be high, but you never expected them to be as devastating as...
You have options when facing wage garnishment
If you’re struggling with debt and know that a creditor is taking you to court, it’s important to note that wage garnishment could be their next step. With wage garnishment, the creditor goes to court and asks the judge to approve garnishment from your normal salary...
Why you should use a credit card after declaring bankruptcy
Many people who struggle with bankruptcy know that they have too much credit card debt. If they ask for advice from friends and family, people will tell them not to use credit cards anymore and only to spend the cash that they earn. There are a lot of reasons why this...
When can your salary be garnished in Tennessee?
Losing a portion of your income can be tough, especially if you are going through hard financial times. However, if you are unable to pay your debts, one of the options your creditors can consider is getting into contact with your employer for purposes of making...