Many people think about the possibility of filing for bankruptcy for a while before they actually take that step. Some of them might not realize that they’re going to have to do some work as they prepare for bankruptcy. One thing that you’ll have to do is to gather...
Month: May 2022
Does filing for bankruptcy for credit card debt make sense?
You're struggling to pay back your bills, and much of it has to do with a few thousand dollars in credit card debt. Maybe you had an emergency situation and you had no choice but to put the charges on the card. Maybe your spouse simply went on a spending spree and you...
What happens when a creditor takes you to court?
When you borrow money from a business, you will sign a promissory note or similar legal documents that obligate you to repay the amount owed. Whether you need money to cover medical care or to finance the purchase of a vehicle, you will have to repay the full amount...
How Chapter 13 bankruptcy helps stop vehicle repossession
When you finance your vehicle, missing a couple of payments could mean that you no longer have reliable transportation. Once you default on your financing, the lender can repossess the vehicle, as it serves as collateral for your loan. If you believe you are at risk...