Personal debt can get out of control quickly, or slowly, over many years. It isn't unusual to hear about Chattanooga residents living paycheck to paycheck or struggling to make ends meet. Living this way can quickly ignite debt and it can get out of control in a...
Month: November 2017
What events could trigger medical debt to get out of control?
When it comes to a person's health and well-being, few things matter more than keeping it in good standing. Health can take a turn in a hurry, whether from an accident injury, a sudden onset and diagnosis of a disease or other medical issue that needs attention. When...
Where do most Tennessee residents fall re average household debt?
Whether you're a spender or a saver, there have likely been times in your life when you had to pull the purse strings a bit tighter to ride out a financial crisis. Perhaps you sustained an unexpected income change or someone in your family faced an urgent medical need...
Study shows correlation between health and debt
There is a lot of attention put on the mantra of being healthy and living a healthy lifestyle. But beyond your health, how else could a person's life be impacted due to a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle? According to a new study, health and debt are negatively...