When you receive a credit card in the mail, it will usually come with a list of terms and conditions that govern it. One of the things that you’ll notice is that you have the ability to get cash advances from your credit card. This might seem like a good thing, but it...
Month: June 2021
Do you have any options if you can’t afford to repay your student loans?
Student loan interest rates have been at 0%, and there's been a pause on monthly payments since March 27, 2020. That reprieve comes to an end on Oct. 1, 2021. Many lawmakers fear borrowers won't be able to foot the bill for what they owe once that happens. If the...
Cancer is one of the leading causes of bankruptcy filings
For many people diagnosed with cancer, their medical battle will be one of the most strenuous experiences of their life. However, thanks to incredible advances in modern medicine, cancer of many different forms has never had better survival rates. The only downside to...