Most people find having revolving lines of credit to be a necessity in the modern economy. Credit cards help people balance budgets when they don't have enough income one month or have unexpectedly high expenses. People can borrow money in a short-term manner for...
Month: July 2022
What debts to include in your Chapter 13 repayment plan
Filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy provides relief from your debt and can help you get back on secure financial footing. When you file for this type of bankruptcy, it’s important to realize that not all debts are created equally. In some cases, there are debts that don’t...
What could happen when a creditor takes you to civil court?
Many people don't realize what kind of aggressive collection efforts are legal until they fall far behind on one of their financial accounts. If all you have had experience with so far has been vaguely threatening letters and repeated phone calls to your house and...
Are you being harassed by debt collectors?
Tough economic times haven't been easy on anyone's finances. You currently might be in a situation where, in addition to your living expenses, you are drowning in student loans, car payments, credit cards, and possibly even medical debt. You are trying to work through...