You may have heard that payday advances are very risky. For some, they create insurmountable debt. Taking them out can be a serious financial error that leaves you looking for solutions. But why don’t they work? The idea behind a payday advance sounds practical...
Month: February 2021
Credit cards make you spend more
In many ways, credit cards are very useful tools. They make it easier to shop online, they allow you to have the money you need on you at all times and they offer rewards and cash back to give you some nice perks that you wouldn’t get with cash. Unfortunately, there...
Why bankruptcy is not the end of the world for you
Far too many Tennessee residents dread filing for bankruptcy as if doing so condemned them to a life of poverty and abject disgrace. It is just that sort of thinking that can leave consumers wrestling with unmanageable debt until the day they die. Certainly, filing...
Even people with health insurance can accrue major medical debt
Medical debt can sneak up on people. It only takes one heart attack, car crash or other adverse medical event to put someone out of work and drastically alter their household financial circumstances. Quite a few people think that because they have health insurance,...