People file for bankruptcy for relief from financial stress. They want to prevent a successful creditor lawsuit or end frustrating phone calls. Most people can achieve those goals with a timely bankruptcy. Those who take action before a creditor secures a judgment can...
Creditor Harassment
Can a debt collector contact you on social media?
Over the past decade, the way debt collectors can legally contact you has expanded. In the past, they were restricted to letters and phone calls. Today though, with ever-present digital technology, debt collectors have the legal authority to use what is available –...
Could communicating with your creditors help?
Those who are in debt are often stereotyped as reckless spenders. The truth is that millions of Americans find themselves in debt through no fault of their own. Facing substantial debts can be stressful and it is by no means an easy situation to get out of. Some...
Are you being harassed by debt collectors?
Tough economic times haven't been easy on anyone's finances. You currently might be in a situation where, in addition to your living expenses, you are drowning in student loans, car payments, credit cards, and possibly even medical debt. You are trying to work through...
New rule bolsters debt collectors’ ability to contact you
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was created to protect consumers after the 2008 financial crisis. However, the agency has approved a rule allowing debt collectors new avenues to contact you over past-due balances. Under the ruling, collection agencies...
Hiding your vehicle from repossession may add to your troubles
Owning a car is essential for most people. It is how they get to work, take their kids to appointments and manage dozens of responsibilities throughout a normal week. Without a vehicle, you might be in the embarrassing situation of having to bum rides, borrow vehicles...
Are you willing to negotiate with your creditors?
If you are behind on payments to a creditor, you know the sinking feeling when your phone rings. Creditors and debt collectors can legally contact you frequently, as long as they don't harass you, lie to you or threaten you. Nevertheless, a conversation with a debt...
Are debt collectors and creditors harassing your family?
An overwhelming burden of debt is stressful. You are behind, interest is accumulating and you do not know if you can ever catch up. Whether you owe thousands on credit cards or you are behind on your mortgage, your financial situation is already difficult enough, yet...