It is never fair for a hardworking individual to have to choose between paying to keep a roof over their head and having a necessary medical procedure that will improve their health. However, this is just what some government workers have to do because of the ongoing...
Month: January 2019
What happens at a meeting of the creditors?
Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the beginning of a lengthy legal process that may force an individual to face difficult truths about their financial situation. For example, one of the requirements of moving through the process that a Tennessee resident must...
Dealing with the trials of post-holiday debt can be stressful
During the recent holiday season, you might have visited a variety of stores and retail outlets in Tennessee in pursuit of finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones. While you may have started out with a budget for holiday spending, similar endeavors have a way of...
Personal property that may be exempt from bankruptcy
Not long ago this bankruptcy and debt relief legal blog published a post regarding bankruptcy exemptions for Tennessee residents. In the post, readers were informed that in our state individuals must use the state's exemptions, rather than the exemptions that the...
Americans turning to crowdsourcing to pay off medical bills
There is no question that the quality of medical care that a Tennessee resident will receive when they suffer an illness or injury will be superlative. Hospitals throughout the state and the country are equipped with the best doctors and technologies in the world to...