There are many different ways that a credit card can help someone who is experiencing financial challenges. The flexibility of having a credit card ensures that people can cover unexpected expenses as they accrue. Unfortunately, the flexibility of credit card use can...
Chattanooga Bankruptcy Law Blog
How many payments must someone miss to risk foreclosure?
A primary residence is more than just a place to sleep and store property. It is a source of personal wealth and pride for many adults. Homeowners often prioritize maintaining their residences even during times of significant financial hardship. Unfortunately, those...
Medical debt is “on track” to be removed from credit reports
Anyone who’s drowning in hospital bills won’t be surprised to learn that medical debt makes up the biggest percentage of debt facing many Americans. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), over half of all third-party debt on Americans’ credit...
Filing for bankruptcy? Time is of the essence, but don’t rush
If you are overwhelmed by debt and in financial difficulty, bankruptcy can offer you some reprieve and help improve your situation. However, your timing matters. You may not make the most of the bankruptcy process if you delay filing or rush into it without proper...
Myths about Chapter 7 that shouldn’t deter you from filing
Chapter 7 bankruptcy serves as a lifeline for low-income adults who are struggling with insurmountable debt. However, numerous myths and misconceptions about the process can deter people from seeking this consequential form of debt relief until their finances have...
What type of bankruptcy should I choose?
Debt can quickly become overwhelming. You could spend a large part of your income each month on debts, which could cause you to struggle to afford your basic needs. As a result, you may be looking for debt relief solutions. Bankruptcy is a process that allows people...
How bankruptcy affects child support payments
Child support obligations affect the finances of those who have divorced or who have children outside of marriage. Someone who has limited parenting time or who makes substantially more money than the other adult in the family may need to make child support payments...
When can a creditor request wage garnishment against you?
Few things are as dismaying as receiving your paycheck only to find a significant chunk missing. This could be the reality if a creditor initiates wage garnishment against you. But why exactly would this happen to you, and what types of debts can trigger it? By...
Why might a dream vacation lead to bankruptcy?
The perfect vacation is different for every person. Some individuals want to spend a week at a quiet beach somewhere. Others dream of an all-inclusive resort with wild nights and plenty of drinks. Vacations often involve traveling a long distance from home, which can...
Can people ever discharge income tax debt through bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy is often an individual's last resort when they’re facing serious financial hardship. People who worry about vehicle repossession or home foreclosure may file for personal bankruptcy. Lender lawsuits or unbalanced budgets could also convince people to pursue...