Guiding You Toward A Brighter Financial Future

Year: 2020

Bankruptcy myth: You can only file once

False! The Bankruptcy Code was developed to provide hardworking Americans a chance to reduce or eliminate their debt and gain a fresh start. And while many consider bankruptcy a final option on the road to financial stability, they might not realize that the process...

Will bankruptcy destroy my credit score?

People who are struggling with debt may be reluctant to file for bankruptcy protection because they are concerned about what it will do to their credit score. Unfortunately, there’s no way around it. Filing for bankruptcy will damage your credit score. The good news...

How student loan debt affects your future

Many people pursue a college degree for the promise of better opportunities, better pay and ultimately a better life. But at what point does the financial burden of higher education start to outweigh the benefits? According to Pew Research, Americans owed roughly $1.5...