Having to wait until payday to get the things you need isn’t always easy. For some, the need to get money fast leads them to seek out a payday loan or cash advance. With very few exceptions, people who take out one of these will get caught in a vicious cycle. Every...
Year: 2020
The pros and cons of filing for bankruptcy
There’s a great deal of misinformation surrounding the bankruptcy process – perhaps the most damaging being that it leads to financial ruin. The truth is, like most major life decisions, bankruptcy comes with both pros and cons for those who file. If you’re facing...
These things could lead you toward Chapter 7 bankruptcy
As you realize you’re in financial trouble, there’s a lot to think about. But the one thing you never want to do is panic. You must keep your cool, review your situation in great detail and devise a plan that you can carry out in an efficient and effective manner....
Tips for credit card spending
Thousands of hardworking Americans face financial pressure every day of their adult lives. Their precarious monetary balance can be upset by significant life events such as job loss, demotion, divorce, home repairs or medical emergencies. Unfortunately, unexpected...
Can you protect your vehicle against repossession with bankruptcy?
You’ve been getting behind on your bills and struggling to make ends meet. You are frustrated by this, but you’ve done all you can to try to catch up. You even took a second job, just to try to catch up on your missed payments. Now, you’re worried that your vehicle is...
How To Recover From Credit Card Debt
The average household in Tennessee is over $7,000 in credit card debt. It was reported that at the beginning of 2020, the national total of credit card debt was over $1 trillion. Many Americans struggle with this type of debt and it can quickly become an overwhelming...
The convenience and risk of a cash advance
The main reason that people use cash advances is that they’re convenient and they appear to solve an immediate financial problem. For instance, you could be somewhere that only accepts cash, but you don’t have any on you. Using a credit card to get a cash advance...
What are the benefits of Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
We all know that bankruptcy helps people struggling with a severe financial burden, but did you know that there are multiple forms of bankruptcy? Each option benefits the applicant in different ways and can result in a unique outcome in the future. If you are...
Credit cards could worsen, not ease your debt problem
Have you ever noticed how credit card companies pop up when you are in financial trouble, acting like they are riding a white horse to your rescue? With a slash of your pen, they promise to help you escape the cash crisis you're currently facing. Well, credit card...
Bankruptcy Myth: Bankruptcy Destroys Your Credit
There are a number of myths surrounding bankruptcy that can scare people away from getting a fresh start and relief from overwhelming debt. One of the most common myths is that your credit score will never recover after filing bankruptcy. You might think that you’ll...