You’ve been struggling with debt for a long time. You owe over $500 in student loan payment every month, which is nearly as much as your $600 in rent. You have a job that pays decently, but with rent, utilities, your loans and other items that you need, you’ve found...
Chapter 7
Could COVID-19 lead to more bankruptcies?
Medical bills are already a debilitating burden for many Americans. An estimated two-thirds of all bankruptcies are due to medical reasons – either high costs for care or work time missed – according to CNBC. What’s more, every year more than half a million families...
An introduction to involuntary bankruptcy proceedings
Most bankruptcy proceedings in the Chattanooga area are started by a person or corporation who is struggling with a heavy debt load and an insufficient cash flow. On occasion, a bankruptcy proceeding is started by one or more creditors of the debtor who fear they will...
Can Chapter 7 help if you have auto loan delinquencies?
Whether you are buying your first car or upgrading to a new model, it may come as a surprise that these days a new car can cost, on average, over $37,000. With car prices continually increasing, many people in Tennessee are taking out auto loans to pay for their new...
Does a debtor have to sell everything to file Chapter 7?
Getting out from under debt can be a long and difficult process. No matter what path a person chooses to achieve debt relief, they may first wish to consult with a bankruptcy attorney to better understand the bankruptcy process. Some Tennessee residents may have...
Not everyone can file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a serious legal process that requires individuals to meet significant mandated tasks in order to eventually reach debt discharge. Those who file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy must agree to sell off some of their assets through liquidation in order to acquire...
How the automatic stay may support a debtor’s needs
Bankruptcy is not an easy process, regardless of the route that an individual chooses to pursue to take control of their financial problems. A Tennessee resident who elects to use Chapter 7 bankruptcy to manage their debts may worry about liquidating their assets and...
What does asset liquidation mean?
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a legal tool that may help some Tennessee residents eliminate their debts and improve their financial futures. However, as it does require individuals to meet certain criteria, it is important that readers talk to their attorneys about whether...
What will filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy do to my finances?
It is important that readers of this blog understand that their financial situations are unique. Individuals are advised that this and other articles on this blog are informational only and case-specific help should be sought from a bankruptcy attorney. However, there...
Older Americans are filing for personal bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is not a problem only for young people. Tennessee residents may harbor the misconception that financial mismanagement during one's youth is the root cause of economic struggles. However, recent trends in bankruptcy filings suggest that even individuals who...