When people reach a financial situation where they have to consider bankruptcy, there can be a lot of fear and uncertainty. What of their assets are they allowed to keep? Will filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 result in a loss of home equity or worse, home ownership?...
Year: 2016
Home foreclosure and Chapter 13 bankruptcy FAQs in Tennessee
If you are facing foreclosure on your home, it is important to understand the basics of the process and your options. When will I be notified of a foreclosure? The financial institution foreclosing on your home must mail a notice to you before they list your home for...
Parental Bankruptcy And College Tuition
Many parents dream of being able to send their kids off to a good college, and not have them worry about massive debt when they graduate. In some cases, parents align their financial priorities to pay for the tuition bill at the expense of their own bills. At times...
Tennessee bankruptcy discharge basics — Part 3
In the past two articles, we have provided an overview of Tennessee bankruptcy discharge and discussed property exemptions. Today's post will address a two-part question: does a debtor have the right to discharge debt; and to what extent, if any, can a creditor object...